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Introduction to the FORTIMAS methodology

With 140 countries implementing fortification programmes, there is a global need for effective monitoring.


The FORTIMAS methodology uses public-private sector partnerships to collect data on the coverage of fortified foods, and assess improvements in the micronutrient status of populations.

On Thursday 19 May 2022, the 2FAS team hosted a webinar for stakeholders to:

  • Understand the basic concepts of the FORTIMAS methodology

  • Understand the key role of fortified food producers and importers in protecting populations against micronutrient deficiency

  • Appreciate the critical importance of public-private sector engagement to measure the impact of fortified foods on micronutrient status

  • Learn about experiences of the FORTIMAS methodology in two countries to date


Fadoi Chaouki, European Commission (EC)

Christophe Guyondet, Team Leader, 2FAS

Ibrahim Parvanta, Senior Expert, 2FAS

Saskia Osendarp, Micronutrient Forum

Gregory Gerasimov, Iodine Global Network

Arnold Timmer, Iodine Global Network

Quentin Johnson, Quican Inc.


FORTIMAS Methodology: Overview of the Basics

Ibrahim Parvanta

Republic of Georgia and Turkmenistan experience

Dr. Gregory Gerasimov

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